MICROCOMB2022 Network Conference

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Microcomb2022 brings together members of two EU-funded H2020 projects, Microcomb and TeraSlice, to present latest developments in optical frequency combs and applications of ultra-fast digital signal processing.


HUUS Hotel Schönriedstrasse 74 CH-3792 Gstaad – Saanen Switzerland Tel: +41 33 748 04 04 www.huusgstaad.com


The HUUS Hotel is located in the town of Saanen near Gstaad in the Canton of Bern.

MICROCOMB is a Marie Curie European Training Network that unites leading academic and industry partners to train a new generation of highly skilled researchers in the field of optomechanical frequency combs in microresonators (microcombs), an actively developing field bordering physics and photonic engineering with applied and fundamental dimensions.

TeraSlice is a FET – Open project that aims at demonstrating a novel concept for high-speed real-time analogue-to-digital conversion of ultra-broadband waveforms that can overcome the limitations of state-of-the-art electronic and photonic analogue-to-digital converters (ADC). The technology solution is based on optical frequency comb source, optical filtering, high bandwidth modulator, DEMUX and IQ detector arrays, all realized in chip-scale form factor.

Tobias J. Kippenberg (EPFL)

MICROCOMB (www.microcomb-eu.org) is an EU H2020 Marie Curie SkƂodowska – European Training Network (ETN) funded under grant agreement No 812818.

TeraSlice (www.teraslice-fetopen.eu) is an EU H2020 Future Emerging Technologies (FET Open) project funded under grant agreement 863322.

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